We are under a shelter-in-place order and can only travel for “essential” services, but hordes of hoarders are hoarding the goods from the local store and, so, we must drive twenty miles for a roll of toilet paper. But that’s ok. We do this for the common good.
A man is suspected of having the virus. His neighbors fell a tree across his driveway so that he cannot leave his home. But that’s ok. We do this for the common good.
A cruise ship sails the seas and is not allowed to dock. It was the passengers’ own fault that they chose to take a cruise and were on that ship before the lockdown began. They should not not be allowed to disembark. We must protect our shores even if some may die on that ship. But that’s ok. We do this for the common good.
While in line at a hospital, an elderly woman dies after being knocked down by another who was angry because the woman violated the rules of social distancing by standing “too close” to that other. But that’s ok. She did this for the common good.
Our kindness, decency, generosity, and humanity die.
But that’s ok. We do this for the common good.