RIC: So, I am online and ordering new Christmas tableware.
ME: What’s wrong with what we already have?
RIC: Everyone has already seen those.
ME: Okaaaaaay. It’s been a year, they won’t remember them.
RIC: We can’t have the very same plates every year!
ME: (Shaking head). Whatever.
RIC: Have you planned the menu yet?
ME: No. Can we get through Thanksgiving weekend first?
RIC: But I need to order this now to make sure that we have it in time.
ME: Just get whatever you think we need.
RIC: I can’t know until you make the menu.
ME: I haven’t given it any thought.
RIC: Will we be having soup?
ME: I don’t know.
RIC: Salad?
ME: I don’t know.
RIC: What about the main course? Should I get flat plates or these ones here with the little lip?
ME: Order whatever you want. I don’t know what I am making yet.
RIC: (Sigh.) Well, think about it and let me know so that I can get this stuff ordered.
ME: Fine.
RIC: Meanwhile, new pasta plates should be delivered today.
ME: Why?
RIC: For our spaghetti of course.
ME: Open the wine.