ME: We had Italian yesterday. Tonight I am making Chicken Fried Steak
RIC: With mashed potatoes and gravy?
ME: Of course.
RIC: Skin-on or skin-off potatoes?
ME: Whichever you prefer.
RIC: Skin-off.
ME: Ok.
RIC: What about a vegetable? We have to have a vegetable.
ME: Southern style green beans with bacon.
RIC: Not really my favorite.
ME: Corn on the cob?
RIC: You know that gets stuck in my teeth.
ME: Peas?
RIC: Too mushy.
ME: How about mixed vegetables?
RIC: That sounds great! A spring mix!
ME: Don’t say it.
RIC: Like prima vera.
ME: Don’t say it.
RIC: Maybe mixed into something with a starch?
ME: Do NOT say it.
RIC: Maybe a pasta.
RIC: A pasta primavera.
RIC: And, if we are going to have the pasta primavera.
ME: We are not.
RIC: Then do we really need the chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes?
ME: Open the wine.