Here is a snippet of a recent review of "The Ordinary Sin":
"The Ordinary Sin by Mario Kiefer is one of the best novels I have read in a very long time! Once I started, I couldn’t put it down. I finished it in one afternoon . . . One of the main themes of this novel is religion. Sara’s mother, Angelina, is a deeply religious woman which is something that is brought up again and again as she analyzes members of the family and their sins . . . Mario Kiefer uses wonderfully vivid and descriptive language throughout this novel . . . something I noted right off the bat. I . . . was transported into each scene and could picture everything happening so clearly . . . All in all, I loved this book! The characters were relatable. It took on and examined themes such as religion, family dynamics, and even sexuality. It had drama, intrigue, and surprises! I can’t wait to check out some of Mario Kiefer’s other works and look forward to what he has for us in the future."
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