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The Ordinary Monster - new reviews

New reviews of “The Ordinary Monster” are on Amazon. Check them out.

Sandie says: “The topics of love, hate, greed, evil, and religion are well known but were handled here in a way that did not seem overused. The main characters – Hector/Alejandro, Mariana, Jesus, and Junior – were so believable it was almost like the author had known them, rather than just creating them. . . The back and forth of time sequences – when Hector/Alejandro was confessing to the priest as an old man and then looking back at his life – was a good move by the author and made me want to keep turning pages to see what happened next. . . I would definitely recommend this book.”

Buttar says: “The Ordinary Monster is a work of art that will leave you gripping the edge of your seat and unable to put the book down once you begin. . . Through a series of vivid flashbacks the past unfolds and then the question becomes who is the real monster in this story. . . The characters are so relatable that it is easy to find a monster within myself as the reader. Part of the allure for these characters is how original they are as individual people. . . This is a must read if you like people that you can relate to, a plot with many twists and turns, and excellent imagery.”

Jay Ra says: “The writer plays the story of the power of anger like a smooth violin in an opera. He draws out the inner feeling of the characters beautifully by using the act of confession of the sin to a priest. Between the outpourings of regret, the story cast[s] a web of connection between one horrible crime as its consequence passes down through family generations. The connection of the plot. . . captures constant attention and is an easy to read page turner. . . .

a sense of urgency grows in the injured to avenge family member’s deaths. . .The end . . . builds to . . . a surprise that leaves food for thought about the power of an act committed in anger. . .”

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