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Get A Job!


It’s a Dog’s Life . . .

DOG: Why you have sour look?

ME: Look, Dog. We gotta talk. I just spent over $250 at the grocery store.

DOG: And?

ME: $100 of that was for you.

DOG: And?

ME: You are very expensive.

DOG: I have exquisite tastes.

ME: Yeah, well, you are gonna have to start paying for those tastes. You need to start contributing to this household. It’s time for you to get a job.

DOG: A what?

ME: A job.

DOG: You can’t make me go to work. There are child labor laws, you know.

ME: You are not a child. You are a dog.

DOG: I am a puppy. That’s a child-dog. Child labor laws do not specify “human” children do they? So, you cannot make me work.

ME: If you know so much, maybe you should get a job at a law firm.

DOG: Maybe I will.

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