It’s a Dog’s Life . . .
DOG: Sing me the song.
ME: No. You were not a good dog today.
DOG: Please. I want to hear the song.
ME: But that song is for good dogs only and you were not a good dog today.
DOG: If you sing me the song, I will be good.
ME: That’s what you always say, but you never are.
DOG: I promise that I will be good if you sing me the song.
ME: Fine. I will sing the song.
ME: [To the tune of Tina Turner’s “The Best”]
You’re simply da best
Better dan all da rest.
Better dan anyone
Better dan all of dem
And I love you da most
I’ll love you from coast to coast
Cuz you stolen my heart
And we’ll never part.
You’re simply da best.
DOG: Da best!
ME: Simply da best.
DOG: Da best!
ME: Simply da best!
DOG: [Loving sigh]
ME: [Smile]