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  • mariokiefer

I will not be ignored!

It’s a Dog’s Life . . .

DOG: Play with me.

ME: I am trying to work.

DOG: Play with me.

ME: I am trying to work.

DOG: Play with me.

ME: I am trying to work.

DOG: Play with me

ME: One more hour. I need one more hour then I can play.

DOG: I wanna play right now.

ME: I can’t. I get off in one hour. We can play then.

DOG: Right now. I need attention.

ME: One more hour. Just cool your jets for one hour. Then I will feed you and we can go outside and play.

DOG: I want to play now!

ME: [Ignores dog]

DOG: Play with me.

ME: [Ignores dog]

DOG: Play with me.

ME: [Ignores dog]

DOG: Bark! Bark! Bark!

ME: [Ignores dog]

DOG: [In his best Glenn Close impersonation.] I will not be IGNORED!

ME: So help me, if I find a rabbit in that pot . . .

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